Yuav Ua Li Cas Nkoj Paj Ntshiab

1. Haum kub hauv paj kev thauj mus los

Qhov ntsuas kub tsim nyog hauv kev thauj paj yog feem ntau 1 ℃ mus rau 10 ℃ los tswj cov paj tshiab thiab txuas ntxiv lawv lub txee lub neej.Qhov kub siab dhau los yog qis dhau tuaj yeem ua rau paj wither lossis frostbite, cuam tshuam rau lawv cov khoom zoo thiab cov khoom zoo nkauj.

2. Yuav ua li cas qhwv lub paj

Kev ntim paj yog ib kauj ruam tseem ceeb hauv kev ua kom ntseeg tau tias nws tseem tshiab thiab zoo nkauj thaum thauj.Nov yog cov txheej txheem ntim tshwj xeeb:

1. Xaiv cov khoom ntim khoom tsim nyog
qhwv cov paj uas siv cov zaub mov qib yas zaj duab xis lossis kraft ntawv pab tiv thaiv kom tsis txhob ya raws.Rau cov paj qib siab, koj tuaj yeem xaiv cov ntawv tsis muaj dej tsis zoo lossis cov khoom siv gauze.

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2. Cia nws ntub
Muab cov ntaub so ntswg los yog cov paj rwb ntub dej rau hauv qab ntawm lub paj qia thiab ces muab ntim rau hauv hnab yas kom muaj paj noo thiab freshness.

3. Ntxiv qhov kev txhawb nqa
Ntxiv kev txhawb nqa ntim, xws li npuas zaj duab xis los yog ua npuas ncauj phaj, rau cov khoom ntim kom tiv thaiv paj stems los ntawm kev puas tsuaj los yog tawg thaum thauj.

4. Siv cov pob ntawv txias
Muab cov pob ntawv txias tso rau hauv lub thawv kom muaj qhov tsim nyog qhov kub thiab txias ib puag ncig thiab tiv thaiv paj los ntawm withering vim kub siab.Cov pob ntawv txias yuav tsum tau muab cais tawm ntawm cov paj kom tsis txhob muaj kev sib cuag ncaj qha.

5. Ntim lub thawv
Muab cov paj tso rau hauv ib lub thawv ntawv lossis lub thawv yas, uas yuav tsum muaj cov khoom ntim txaus, xws li ua npuas ncauj lossis npuas zaj duab xis, kom ntseeg tau tias cov paj tsis co lossis nias thaum thauj.

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6. kaw lub thawv
Thaum kawg, kaw lub thawv ntim khoom.Txhim kho lub foob ntawm lub thawv nrog cov nplaum nplaum kom ntseeg tau tias nws tsis qhib thaum lub sijhawm thauj mus los.Thiab nyob rau sab nraud cim "rooj" thiab "kho kom txias" thiab lwm yam lus, kom nco ntsoov cov neeg ua haujlwm logistics kom ua tib zoo.

Nrog rau cov kauj ruam saum toj no, koj tuaj yeem xyuas kom meej tias cov paj nyob twj ywm tshiab thiab zoo li qub thaum caij tsheb thauj mus los, muab cov khoom lag luam zoo tshaj plaws.

3. Kev xaiv hom kev thauj mus los

Xaiv txoj kev thauj mus los yog qhov tseem ceeb los xyuas kom meej tias cov paj nyob twj ywm tshiab thiab zoo nkauj thaum caij tsheb thauj mus los.Nov yog ob peb hom kev thauj mus los zoo thiab muaj txiaj ntsig:

1. Txias-chain logistics
Cold-chain logistics yog qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws rau kev thauj paj.Los ntawm kev thauj mus los hauv tub yees, xyuas kom cov paj nyob twj ywm txias thoob plaws hauv kev thauj mus los thiab tiv thaiv kom tsis txhob qhuav thiab deterioration.Cov tuam txhab lag luam Cold chain logistics feem ntau yog nruab nrog cov khoom siv tub yees uas tuaj yeem tswj qhov kub thiab txias.

2. Airlift
Kev thauj huab cua yog ib qho kev xaiv zoo thiab ceev ceev rau kev thauj mus los ntev lossis thoob ntiaj teb.Kev xaiv huab cua thauj tuaj yeem xa paj mus rau qhov chaw nyob hauv lub sijhawm luv tshaj plaws, txo qhov cuam tshuam ntawm lub sijhawm thauj mus los ntawm cov paj tshiab.

3. Cov tsheb thauj khoom tshwj xeeb
Yog tias kev thauj mus los txias thiab huab cua tsis tuaj yeem ua tau, cov tsheb thauj tshwj xeeb uas muaj cov khoom siv cua txias tuaj yeem xaiv tau.Cov tsheb no tuaj yeem tswj tau qhov kub thiab txias tsis tu ncua thiab xyuas kom meej tias cov paj tsis cuam tshuam los ntawm qhov kub thiab txias thaum caij tsheb thauj mus los.

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4. Kev pabcuam xa khoom sai
Xaiv lub tuam txhab nthuav qhia muaj npe nrov, thiab xaiv lawv cov kev pabcuam xa khoom sai, kom ntseeg tau tias cov paj tau xa tuaj rau lub sijhawm luv tshaj plaws.Ntau lub tuam txhab xa khoom xa tawm muaj kev hloov pauv hnub lossis hnub tom ntej, tsim nyog rau kev thauj mus los luv.

5. Txoj kev npaj
Txawm hais tias xaiv hom kev thauj mus los zoo li cas, txoj kev thauj mus los yuav tsum tau npaj ua ntej.Xaiv txoj kev ceev tshaj plaws thiab zoo kom txo tau qhov cuam tshuam ntawm lub sijhawm thauj mus los thiab ua pob ntawm cov paj.

Los ntawm cov kev thauj mus los no, koj tuaj yeem xyuas kom meej tias cov paj tseem nyob hauv qhov zoo tshaj plaws thaum lub sijhawm thauj mus los, muab cov neeg siv khoom nrog cov khoom zoo tshiab thiab zoo nkauj.

4. Huizhou txoj kev pom zoo

Hauv kev thauj mus los ntawm cov paj, xaiv cov khoom ntim zoo thiab cov khoom siv thermal rwb thaiv tsev yog qhov txuas tseem ceeb kom ntseeg tau tias cov paj tshiab.Huizhou Industrial muaj ntau yam khoom, hauv qab no yog peb cov khoom uas twb muaj lawm thiab lawv cov lus piav qhia txog kev ua haujlwm:

1. Cov khoom uas twb muaj lawm thiab kev piav qhia ntawm Huizhou Island

1.1 Cov dej txhaj tshuaj ice packs: haum rau 0 ℃ to 10 ℃ tiv thaiv paj los ntawm deteriorating vim kub siab nyob rau hauv cov pa tsheb thauj mus los.Lub teeb thiab siv tau yooj yim, haum rau kev thauj mus los luv.

1.2 Gel ice pack: haum rau qhov kub thiab txias ntawm-10 ℃ to 10 ℃, nrog rau kev ua kom txias dua thiab muaj peev xwm tiv thaiv lub sijhawm ntev, haum rau kev thauj mus los ntev.

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1.3.Pob khov qhuav: haum rau-78.5 ℃ to 0 ℃ ib puag ncig, haum rau cov khoom tshwj xeeb uas xav tau ultra-cryogenic cia, tab sis ua tib zoo saib xyuas kev nyab xeeb.

1.4 Organic theem hloov cov ntaub ntawv: haum rau qhov kub thiab txias ntawm-20 ℃ to 20 ℃, qhov kub thiab txias tuaj yeem hloov kho raws li cov kev cai tshwj xeeb los muab kev tswj qhov kub thiab txias.

1.5 EPP incubator: qhov kub tseem nyob nruab nrab ntawm-40 ℃ thiab 120 ℃, lub teeb yuag, cuam tshuam resistant, haum rau ntau yam kev siv thiab kev tiv thaiv ib puag ncig.

1.6 PU incubator: qhov kub thiab txias yog nyob nruab nrab ntawm-20 ℃ thiab 60 ℃, zoo rwb thaiv tsev kev ua tau zoo, muaj zog thiab ruaj khov, haum rau kev thauj mus los ntev thiab nquag siv.

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1.7 PS incubator: khaws qhov kub ntawm-10 ℃ thiab 70 ℃, rwb thaiv tsev zoo, kev lag luam, tsim nyog siv sijhawm luv lossis siv pov tseg.

1.8 Aluminium ntawv nyiaj rwb thaiv tsev hnab: haum rau 0 ℃ to 60 ℃, zoo rwb thaiv tsev nyhuv, lub teeb thiab portable, haum rau luv luv kev thauj mus los thiab nqa txhua hnub.

1.9 Non-woven thermal rwb thaiv tsev hnab: haum rau-10 ℃ to 70 ℃, kev lag luam, ruaj khov rwb thaiv tsev nyhuv, haum rau lub sij hawm luv luv preservation thiab tsheb thauj mus los.

1.10 Oxford daim ntaub rwb thaiv tsev hnab: haum rau-20 ℃ to 80 ℃, muaj zog rwb thaiv tsev thiab dej tsis zoo, muaj zog thiab ruaj khov, haum rau ntau yam siv.

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2. Cov tswv yim pom zoo

Raws li qhov xav tau ntawm kev thauj mus los paj, peb pom zoo kom siv gel ice bag nrog PS incubator.

Gel ice packs muab cov nyhuv txias txias los ntawm 0 ℃ mus rau 10 ℃, thiab muaj lub sijhawm rwb thaiv tsev ntev, uas tsim nyog rau kev thauj mus los kub ntawm paj.
Yog tias koj txoj kev thauj mus los nyob deb, koj yuav tsum tau siv lub tshuab nqus tsev, PS incubator muaj kev ua haujlwm zoo rwb thaiv tsev, thiab tus nqi qis, tuaj yeem muab kev tswj xyuas qhov kub thiab txias ib puag ncig hauv kev thauj mus los ntev, kom ntseeg tau tias cov paj hauv kev thauj mus los tsis yog. cuam ​​tshuam los ntawm qhov kub thiab txias los yog tsis tshua muaj kub, tswj cov freshness thiab kev zoo nkauj.

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5. Kev saib xyuas qhov kub thiab txias

Yog tias koj xav tau cov ntaub ntawv ntsuas kub ntawm koj cov khoom thaum lub sijhawm thauj mus los hauv lub sijhawm, Huizhou yuav muab kev pabcuam ntsuas kub rau koj, tab sis qhov no yuav coj tus nqi sib xws.

6. Peb txoj kev cog lus rau kev tsim kho kom ruaj khov

1. Cov khoom siv rau ib puag ncig

Peb lub tuam txhab tau cog lus rau kev ruaj khov thiab siv cov khoom zoo ib puag ncig hauv kev ntim khoom:

-Recyclable rwb thaiv tsev ntim: Peb lub thawv EPS thiab EPP yog ua los ntawm cov khoom siv rov ua dua tshiab kom txo tau qhov cuam tshuam ib puag ncig.
-Biodegradable refrigerant thiab thermal nruab nrab: Peb muab biodegradable gel ice hnab thiab theem hloov cov ntaub ntawv, nyab xeeb thiab ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg, kom txo tau pov tseg.

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2. Reusable daws

Peb txhawb kev siv cov khoom ntim rov qab siv tau los txo cov khoom pov tseg thiab txo cov nqi:

-Reusable rwb thaiv tsev ntim: Peb lub thawv EPP thiab VIP yog tsim los siv ntau yam, muab kev txuag nyiaj mus sij hawm ntev thiab kev pab cuam ib puag ncig.
-Reusable refrigerant: Peb cov gel ice packs thiab theem hloov cov ntaub ntawv yuav siv tau ntau zaus los txo cov kev xav tau ntawm cov ntaub ntawv pov tseg.

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3. Kev xyaum ua tau zoo

Peb ua raws li kev coj ua kom ruaj khov hauv peb txoj haujlwm:

-Energy efficiency: Peb siv lub zog efficiency thaum lub sij hawm tsim cov txheej txheem los txo cov pa roj carbon hneev taw.
- Txo cov pov tseg: Peb siv zog los txo cov pov tseg los ntawm cov txheej txheem tsim khoom kom zoo thiab rov ua dua tshiab.
-Green Initiative: Peb koom tes nrog cov phiaj xwm ntsuab thiab txhawb kev tiv thaiv ib puag ncig.

7. Cov txheej txheem ntim khoom rau koj xaiv

Post lub sij hawm: Lub Xya hli ntuj-12-2024